Yesterday while watching t.v, I came across a documentary on HBO called "Prom Night in Mississippi".It was related to a specific school in Charleston Mississippi.Its main focus was on an interracial prom that was going to take place within the school. The show discusses with students, parents and teachers their personal feelings towards this integrative event and how they think it will turn out. What surprised me the most was first of all how unaware I was that this type of segregation still exists in larger context like an entire high school setting. What also baffled me was that majority of the students had put aside their differences and it was the PARENTS that weren't allowing the natural integration of the students. All of the students attended classes together, but yet their events were treated as "black" and "white". This program intrigued me and I wonder if many other people realize the separation and racism that still exists in schools. Not to say that I do not think racism exists among students everywhere, but for the entire school to condone separate events based on color seems absolutely absurd to me! A bunch of the "white" parents and students decided that they were going to fundraise money to have their own prom and that they would not take part or they would not let their children take part in the integrated prom.

Here is a audio related to it that i found online! Check it out! 

3/31/2010 01:27:06 pm

I heard about this on the radio last week! I would love to get my hands on the documentary and check it out.

3/31/2010 03:31:01 pm

I searched the internet to try find any portion of it, but did not come across anything! Hopefully it airs again and you can catch it!

Kayleigh Manastyrski
4/6/2010 04:40:29 am

OH MY GOSH I WATCHED THIS!! I really could not believe that they still had that kind of segregation in the US. I was completely astonished


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